Question: One of my client found issue as follow. They have three locations. They generated...
Adjustments that can be printed line item based?Question:Can we have the adjustments that can be printed line item based?This way it is less...
Attachment Size RestrictionsQuestion:Client has a couple of 1mb files that do not appear to be uploading to Goggle S3. Is...
Batch Payments missing some accountsQuestion: For the past two weeks I have noticed batch payments are not applying payments to all...
COPY RECORD/PASTE RECORD functionsYou have to enable the copy/paste using RPP.First, add the record that you want to enable...
Charge Rule WarningQuestion: Is there any way to suppress? Answer: If you mean only that message the answer is...
Credit Card Chip ReadersQuestion:Any insight on a card reader that supports chips and is compatible with APM?...
Database GroupsQuestion:Where and how are database groups typically used?Answer: In the above example the “ERB”...
Error launching PM for the first time***TIP***If you receive an error when trying to run a new instance of the PM client for the first...
Insurance Card ScannersYou only need the hardware. To install it you will need to download the driver from the...
Integration HandlerQuestion:When sending an Appointment message, the SCH record has in segment 25 either “Booked” or...
Keeping ICD-10 codes currentHere is the procedure for updating. It is highly recommend this not be run while users are doing...
Last Seen DateQuestion:What logic sets the Last Seen Date?Answer:Based on the most recent charge entry DOS
Recurring AppointmentsQuestion:I see where we now can schedule recurring events. Did we talk about the ability to...
Rejected due to the billing group/ G2 box BQuestion:There seems to be a hiccup with BCBS medicaid the YIF claims and the clearinghouse. They...
Reminders Language Feature RequestQuestion: Any plans for other languages? Spanish? Who is in charge of new languages?If user...
Reminders and Multiple FacilitiesQuestion:Can/Do confirmation emails go to the facility email where the appointment was scheduled,...
Rules MessagesQuestion:How do I get a rule to show as informational? Warnings and Errors work, but Information...
Treatment Authorizations SetupQuestion: Where do I set up a patient’s treatment schedule, number of visits, codes,...
Using ModelsQuestion:I had created a model in Claims Processing for electronic claims, using Office Ally as...
When 2 people are in same record at the same timeQuestion:This problem is happening to us constantly. As a result, our people are wasting a lot...