Rx Prescription tab

Prescriptions (Rx)

The Rx tab is the central location for managing prescriptions along with the Meds tab on the Face Sheet.  The Rx data is based on First Data Bank data, an up-to-date repository of information about pharmaceutical products.  

  • Any current medication is shown in the right column including dosage, strength, dispensation, etc. 
    • A medication can be discontinued by clicking on the Discontinue button.
    • Clicking on a medication will allow changes to be made.


  • A prescription can be chosen in several ways:A warning will be shown when the note is signed if the patient has an allergy to the medication, provided it has been noted in the allergy section of the chart.  Other warnings such as avoiding grapefruit juice with a medication will also appear.
    • By complaint, as shown in the image above.    
    • By searching, as shown in the image below.  Either enter the name of the medication in the search box or select from one of the listed Therapeutic Classifications for detailed lists of appropriate meds. 
    • From the Hot List that you set up.   A medication is added to the Hot List by clicking the Hot button when you prescribe the medication.  The Hot List can be  modified using "manage" when on the Hot List page.
  • Alert Rules will appear for certain conditions.  These alerts are set by First Databank, the source of the Rx information.



The section at the bottom of the Medications page is Medication Reconciliation/Hx which can communicate any additional information about the patient’s medications.  It can be used for example during Transition of Care to indicate any changes in medication that should be documented in the patient’s record.  Any relevant documents in the patient’s chart will be listed when Medication Reconciliation/Hx is selected.





  • Once a medication has been selected, the options for prescribing will be displayed in the right column.  The prescriber chooses the exact options for each patient.
  • By clicking on the name of the medication in the left column, a specific combination of dosage and strength, etc. can be chosen to pre-select common options for that medication. 
  • Prescription route will be set according to pre-determined defaults.
  • The patient’s preferred pharmacy will be entered automatically. 
  • This prescription can be documented or signed along with other options such as Notes and Alerts.
  • Notice the Hot button at the bottom which will add this medication to the provider’s Hot List.



  • To Taper a medication, select the Taper button in the upper right of the Rx page.
  • Once Taper has been selected, the window will change to allow the provider to choose how much medication they want the patient to take for each taper.
  • To select the next taper, click the Save Taper button.  Continue for the duration. 




  • The Routing is set to a default, in this case E-prescribing, which will automatically send the script to the patient’s preferred pharmacy electronically. 
  • By clicking on the Route shown (on the image above, click on E-prescribe), a page will appear to control the details of routing as shown in the image below. 




  • Controlled substances are handled somewhat differently from non-controlled ones as shown in the image below. 
  • For example, a codeine-based cough medicine is not currently allowed to be e-prescribed so the script will be printed. 




  • Choose where to send the prescription by clicking on the current option: Send to Nurse, Fax to the pharmacy, or Print.  Clicking brings up a page that allows the selection and also allows the choice of applying this option to this Rx only or to all Rx for this patient today. 
  • Once the script has been signed, any new medication will show up in the right column under Prescriptions above the Current Medications.




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