Docpad HPI (History of Present Illness)

History of Present Illness (HPI) Tab


  • There is a HPI template generated for each complaint that has been entered on the CC page which will be shown when you click the HPI tab.
  • Select appropriate findings for that patient by clicking once for positive and twice for negative. 
  • When entering text information in a text box, be brief. If more than 4 or 5 words, use the Other Information section in the lower right.
  • To achieve accurate ICD10 codes, click and review Medical History, Family History, Medications, Surgical History and Social History at the bottom of the HPI page.
  • Information in these areas will increase the ICD10 codes. Information in these areas is added from the Face sheet in either Nursepad or Docpad.

  • Complete the ROS (review of systems) for each patient.

  • To enter findings for the next Complaint for that patient, click the link on the top right hand corner (Change Complaint) and select the appropriate template.




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